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2019 IKA General Assembly Minutes

The 2019 General Assembly of the International Kiteboarding Association was held on 08 February 2020 via BlueJeans teleconferencing system.

President Mirco Babini opened the meeting at 11:00 UTC and welcomed the attendees.

1. Welcome by the President of the IKA
2. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising
3. Reports
      a. President
      b. Secretary General
      c. Financials
4. Submissions 

01-19 APPROVED32-0-0 Formula Kite and KiteFoil Class - Position of Class Insignia Download
02-19 APPROVED32-0-0 Formula Kite Class - Nationality Identification Download
03-19 APPROVED32-0-0 Formula Kite Class - Position of Builders Plaque (Mast) Download
04-19 APPROVED32-0-0 Formula Kite Class - Position of Builders Plaque (Kite) Download

5. Future Events -  https://teamup.com/ksqdboy37i1jokng4o
6. Elections for Vice President Training & Development
1 Hamid Shomali Iran 4%
2 Marcelo Gervini Brasil 86% -elected
3 Ramiro Martinez Pena Argentina 11%
7. Any Other Business
    Discussion and finalising of the new youth foil class. 

There being no further business, President Mirco Babini closed the meeting at 1420 UTC
A full recording of the meeting can be found here: 

A pdf of the full minutes can be downloaded here.

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